First of all I am going to trim the fat! LoL, well they are telling us to pursue the best, and not repeat what was asked before. This post was about loosing money doing the shows, questions?
This would be a good time for whose that are interested to pipe-in, with the economy being the way it is- I am certain that is one MAIN reason. Our local guilds, and some near states around our area (I LIVE in Maryland) have all had trouble. Wether a Gallery that is a group, an artwalk, etc. The festival shows I do not know that much about, because I do not exhibit there. However, there is a show here in Solomons, MD called ArtsFest. There are many that go to that one as well. I do not know what to say, but,
whatever you have to spend, budget it - take it as a loss on a schedule C on the next yrs. taxes. Talk to a tax consultant (this year) and ask them these questions so that you can better prepare a budget, and plan better know what you can and cannot use as a write-off. And do things LEAN - trim ALL fat. Literally.....
Buy supplies during the year, when things are ONLY on sale and free shipping is a result. Space out your fees, pick a few shows, then add one each year. Going around the first couple years to every thing around - you got to find the niche...I guess, what you are selling and WHO most importantly is buying.
Hope that helps.
And I DID trim the fat...hope this was better for the blackberries...First, way to trim the fat is get 'rid' of the toys.
That is a start. I ditched the cell phone and created a website instead. And, I LOVE not having the thing ringing around all the time. They need me call the studio/home phone. Leave a message and I'll get back to ya then.
Saved me about $800. plus a year!!
--- In, "Benjamin DeHaven" <benjamindehaven@...> wrote:
> We did a few small shows last year and lost money .....
PLEASE READ....PLEASE TRIM POSTS!!! Keep quoted material short.
Repeat or create accurate subject lines.
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