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[artshow_photo] Re: Limited Editions


--- In artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com, Larry Berman <larry@...> wrote:
> I'm against limited editions, but don't additional additions
> invalidate the contract you have with the purchaser, unless you
> provide that information in writing (COA) at the point of purchase,
> which makes the number of pieces in the addition invalid?

Absolutely. The "spirit" of an LE is knowing that only so many prints will be produced. Period. Having a limited edition with "unlimited" editions, so to speak, nulifies or voids itself.
Book publishers get away with this by not using the term "limited," but just "edition." An edition being defined as a continuous run.
I suppose a photographer could do the same thing - an "edition" could be defined as a 25 sheet box of paper. Thus, your first box of 25 prints would constitute your "first edition." You could then buy a second box of paper, print the same image again, and call it your "second edition." Silly, yes, but the same concept. However, it would be stretching the point to call this procedure "limited."
Michael H. Cothran

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