I don't really like the forum. the software used turned me off on the first post because of a really limiting technical issue
disclaimer: I've been doing php programming off and on for 9 years
it wiped my post upon erroring on attachment size. my 5.7mb average sized photo was too large and the way it gave the limit has too many zeros to read right so it didn't register at 5 million. 5000000
fixing the post wiping issue is maybe 30 lines of extra code tops. it should have been fixed four years ago as is it a top 10 fundamental for any online posting form.
setup a session variable, cookie or temp database field, save the user's content using said method. then check on returning to this page if there is saved data based on user id. set the contents of the html forum with the returned data. if the post is successful then wipe the data
little things like not adding commas to large numbers, which is fixed with one line of code
and that it can't get a huge fundamental of forums, email confirmation, correct. I've programmed them from scratch
it's worth abandoning already because of huge gaping holes in the programmer's apparent ability
change it to phpbb, the industry standard of free forum software. at that point I'll return. until then I'm sticking to the email list.
oh, and if the group is being shut down it tells me about the quality of the group if it is going to be replaced it with something so poorly implemented. you are as good as the technology you use in this case.
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