As Andrew mentioned, I am the owner and co-developer of the GalleryPouch. When Andrew came to me he wanted something that was going to be high quality. It took several months to find the material and the equipment to manufacture these. I knew they would get used and abused. If I were just making them for myself, I could definitely go less expensive by going lower quality but when you are selling them to someone else under an established brand that is not an option, especially when a customer can tell a lot of other artshow vendors about the quality with one 5 minute post to this group.
I hate to say that they are bubble bags because they are so different from packing bubble. The plastic material in our bags is 4 times stronger than regular packing bubble and the bubbles are completely sealed inside the plastic. The bubbles are exposed on one side of packing bubble making them easy to pop. When people tour are manufacturing facility I ask them to go ahead and squeeze the is not very often someone is able to pop them with their fingers. We needed something that would last an art show vendor for years, not just one show.
When we found the material we ran into a serious problem with the sealing equipment because the plastic is so dense. Some of you probably have a $400 shrink wrap sealer. I had to have a computerized sealer custom manufactured and then programmed just for our product. It is sort of still $400, but instead of $400 being the cost, $400 is the monthly lease payment. It is the same equipment used to make parachutes.
I have talked to the owner of an equipment manufacture that makes equipment for the smaller bags you can get at Uline. They are mass produced by the thousands by automated equipment. Because of our material, and our variety large sizes that was not an option so ours are made by hand in America.
If anyone would like to check out the material for yourself you can send me an email with your name and address within the next few days and I will send you a free 8x10 GalleryPouch that happens to be a good size to hold an iPad.
Frame Destination, Inc.
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