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RE: [artshow_photo] Panoramic Sizes


My panoramas are 8.5 x 35. I frame them to 14 x 40. The 4o" works well
because a standard piece of glass is 32 x 40 so I just get a box of that and
have it cut into two 14 x 40s per piece. I do sell prints. Otherwise you
are going to run into a shipping issue. To ship one of my panoramas (in the
special FedEx art box) runs over $100. I charge $75 to ship them but if
someone balks at that I will ship the print (rolled) for free if they order
it at an art show. Some people have a friend or relative in the framing
business so they are happy to buy a print. If people are local and they are
thinking of a print, I always warn them that they are expensive to frame. I
would guess that fully 50% of the local people who buy a print call me
within two weeks to see if they can exchange it for the framed one which I
am happy to do (charging the difference of course).

Alison Thomas
Join me on Facebook at Alison Thomas - Serenity Scenes Photography

Next Shows:
Oct 1 - 2 An Occasion for the Arts, Williamsburg, Virginia
Nov 11 - 13 Disney Festival of the Masters, Downtown Disney, Florida

-----Original Message-----
From: artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com [mailto:artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Kevin Carlyle
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 10:29 AM
To: artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [artshow_photo] Panoramic Sizes

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