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Selling Stock Photography Re: how to sell my photos


It depends on what kind of photos you are doing.

If you mean selling online, and there are quite a few ways too.

There are microstock agencies that paid you from $0.25(subscriptions license) up to $35(enhanced license) or more...

I think some kind of photos are selling well in microstock agencies and won't have a market in rights-mananged market, such as isolated object or website design illustrations. You can take a read here:

There are macrostock agencies like getty, corbis that most likely only a professional photographer with portfolio will be accepted.

Basically if you mean to earn a good enough income for selling photo online, you have to continue shooting and have a good porfolio, taking photo that the market needs.

If you have a connections or have been well known, then it is good to have your own website to sell, there are something like photoshelter and photodeck that provide e-commerce features that you can sell your pictures in RF or RM license.

I prefer photodeck, since it charge no commissions of sales, but photoshelter is doing a lot to keep the community alive to attract traffic too.

YG@UNMKGW, this is the photodeck code that get your 50% first month.

In a summary, if you are good enough, your photos will sell in any way. For a stable income, a sizable and good portfolio is a must.

--- In selling_stock_photography@yahoogroups.com, "red" <k9943801007@...> wrote:
> i am new to this group, can anyone help me to know how to sell the
> photos?
> regards karthik

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