--- In selling_stock_photography@yahoogroups.com, "Denny \"Smitty' Schmidt" <smitty56401@...> wrote:
> Terri.. I have done OK at art shows where I can tell a prospective buyer the
> back story on the image.
> Smitty
Hi Smitty and Terri K,
Its interesting that at an art show / art guild you can declare the 'value' of your product! I keep wondering if it is possible to take that dynamic into the stock agency environment.
It like if you go to a supermarket - you get lots of commodities, cheap stuff, everyday stuff - and you buy these for the lowest price. But when you want something 'special', you go along to a boutique or an upmarket store, find what you want and you are willing spend more there. Or if you see something that costs more and you feel its worth it, you are willing to pay more.
Food for thought?
> _____
> From: selling_stock_photography@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:selling_stock_photography@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Terri Keller
> Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 11:26 PM
> To: selling_stock_photography@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Selling Stock Photography Re: How can photographers inform stock
> agencies regarding the VALUE of their images?
> I am new-comer to this Stock Photography business and after listening to
> comments from this group, I'm not sure if STOCK photo sales is the way I
> want to go. I belong to an Art Guild in a nearby city. We have a group of
> very talented people who really are artists, but in various media (oils,
> acrylics, fabric, photography, wood carving, sculpture etc) We all have a
> chance to display our talents and occasionally we even sell something! It's
> not a "sure thing" that all our work will sell, but the pride that someone
> likes our work well enough to purchase it is a wonderful feeling. I was
> blessed to sell one of my framed photos recently for $90 (only a $22 profit
> after framing expenses and commission to the Guild). I'm not sure if you
> can really project that personal feeling by selling online. I know
> technology has come a long way, and internet sales are inevitable. But I
> have noticed that people who really love and appreciate Fine Art like to see
> and feel the final product!
> So in summing it all up, I think I'll stick with my "starving artists" group
> and feel the pride of an occasional sale instead of giving it away. Thanks
> to all who have given me insight and I wish you luck in your endeavors.
> Terri K
> --
> Terri
> Be sure to check out my website! <http://pixbytlk.smugmug.com/>
> http://pixbytlk.smugmug.com/
> and remember:
> Life is short! Bend the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly,
> laugh uncontrollably, & NEVER regret anything that made your smile!
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