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Re: Selling Stock Photography Fw: splash photography technique


Feels like you are a very young man Smitty :-)

Try changing 36 glass plates in one minute :-)

If you wanted really good photos, that is what you had to use.

On 23-Feb-2012 12:10 PM, Denny "Smitty' Schmidt wrote:


I had auto winders on my film cameras. I could rip off 36 shots in less than a minute :-)

On 2/13/2012 10:45 PM, RK wrote:


Interesting video. Makes me remember the  "old days" when we did not have the "push the button" "rapid fire" fully automatic cameras. We simply had to learn to choose the right film, to hit the trigger in exactly the right spit second to with one picture catch the motion, and we became quite good.

When I took photos of a rider and horse flying over a jump in a competition, and you had to take it exactly when the front hooves were right over the bar, plus minus five inches, you only had once chance in a lifetime to get just that photo, and you nearly always did it.

Now we can set up the camera, and ask a 5 year old or a "monkey" to take the picture, with the same result.

This is why photography has degenerated as it has, and why we have to find new ways of making a living with photography.

Just my 5c views.

On 13-Feb-2012 10:25 AM, Doni wrote:


Dear all,
We Highly recommend this resource to any photographer who needs to master splash photography technique

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