I've got a 32GB SSD sitting here on my desk for the next time I need to
power the system down. My two logical drives are both on the same
spindle, so all disk access has to contend for the same disk resource.
I'm going to assign all the various swap files (Windows paging file,
Photoshop scratch disk, etc.) to the SSD to get those disk accesses off
the main drive.
I figured it was cooler and quieter than putting a small 15K rpm SCSI
disk in. Besides, the mother board I used doesn't have any spare PCI
slots to put the SCSI controller in.
On 30/11/2010 8:27 PM, Michael Pearlman wrote:
> I have the operating system and programs on an SSD as C: Everything else is
> on another drive.
> Downloads are on a third drive unless they are updates to the OS or
> programs.
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 7:32 PM, James Dunn<denanjums@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> On 11/28/2010 3:00 PM, G. Armour Van Horn wrote:
>>> My Windows systems always have two partitions, both on a mirrored pair.
>>> C:\ is reserved for Windows, the user profile, and installed software.
>>> D:\ is reserved for "local data", all my tunes to start with, but if a
>>> set of files is too large to edit on the server I copy them to D:. My
>>> intellectual property is always on the file server, with mirrored
>>> storage and no users logged in to compromise the system stability.
>>> Van
>> That is just what I do. C:\ is for CODE
>> D:\Drive is DATA ONLY - NO CODE
>> Malware goes after code. I can reformat and
>> re-install the OS and all programs from original
>> disks for C: Even with back ups, you never know
>> if the malware is on the backups also.
>> --
>> James Dunn
>> www.ImagesByJamesDunn.com<http://www.imagesbyjamesdunn.com/>
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